Thursday, January 11, 2007

Quotes of the Day 11.1.2007

"Can anyone explain to me why state expropriation of private property, closing down hostile media outlets and the passing of an "enabling law" (1933 anyone?) as I was predicting a couple of years ago, should be greeted with cheers from not just the lunatic fringe but the supposedly reasonable left too?"
"Is anti-americanism the only measure of morality that pinkos accept? Does anyone else feel slightly queasy at the thought of "Socialism or death"?"
"Does this mean that anyone who opposes GWB is alright, even though they're walking down a well-trodden road that historicaly has always had mass murder bordering on genocide at the end of it?" - Jackart
"Mr Chavez retorted by dubbing Mr Blair "the main ally of Hitler", a reference to Mr Bush." -
BLAIR IS HITLER MARK II (unless you believe that left-wing lesbian lunatic Jo "Davina Irving" Salmon)!

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