Monday, April 02, 2007

Grand Âyatollâh Piper of Sandwell

The Rowdy One has given his moral support to the Islamofascists in Iran in their quest to wipeout Israel. Perhaps Bobby is jealous of Terry Kelly's reputation as the most controversial Labour councillor in the blogosphere, or maybe Cllr Piper is just an old-fashioned left-wing racist? His previous track record on race relations suggests the latter.


Anonymous said...

This is par for the course in socialist land. This man is a craven fucking wanker and a parasite on the working man. He has leeched his living off the working man and never done a tap himself but he has flounced around the world on honest hard working mens sweat making freinds with whoever is the baddest red.

He is a parasite and it is a shame the honest working men of this country didn;t realise this earlier.


Bob Piper said...

Nice to see your boyfriend, the poor man's DK is back, C4.

Anonymous said...

Hey hey...the parasitical union piss flap is back!

I thought you'd fucked off on union business to appease Iranians or something on behalf of the union members or something. Good to see you are back and in one piece after the turking you must have gone through.


Anonymous said...

Shold have added that, yes...his nerve has been touched.

Do you finally, maybe subconsciously, recognise that you are a parasite on the sweat of honest working men?

Explain to us how sucking Sinn Fein cock was good for union members?

Need I go on? Nope, because you know it is the truth you fucking waste of air and dishonest leeching cunt.

Now fuck off back to the hole in Sandwell from whence you fucking crawled.