Wednesday, April 11, 2007

BNP Member Is Pro-Israeli SHOCKER (?!?)

I have just looked at the blog of a BNP member and was shocked to see that the idiot in question supports the State of Israel (apparently)! Considering that both Judaism and Islam share the same Supreme Being (as do Christians such as myself) and the Jews and Arab are both Semitic peoples, you can cut the hypocrisy of that particular fascist scumbag with a knife. You don't fool me Green Arrow!


The Green Arrow said...

My but your a nasty, violent, crude piece of work.

If the BNP were all the things you say it is, you sound as though you would make an excellent member.

But of course the BNP are none of those things and believe in freedom of speech, decency and fair play.

Thanks for the link though.

Roll on B.N.P. Day - May 3rd

Aberdeen-Patriot said...

Im still laughing at your pic hah ha ha ha ha ha

what a skinny jerk

Chicken Neck

Sir-C4' said...

your a nasty, violent, crude piece of work.

Thank you! Thank you! They do say that it takes one to know one.

Chicken Neck

Yes, I am tasty!