Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Hug A Hoodie?

Is David Cameron still on drugs?


Anonymous said...

I think cameron should be commended for trying to deal with a sensitive issue. As soon as he had spoken the Labour spinners were making him out to be soft on crime but he is right - the current government has been all too quick to punish young people without looking into the causes and the reasons why. It is always easier to try and stop the problem than look at the cause. Take depression for example, Prozac and other biological treatments may help the person in the short term but they do not treat the under-lying problems as to why the person is depressed.

Read my view of the hoody issue here.

Sir-C4' said...

I do not doubt Cameron's attempts to better understand what drives children to commit crime is a commendable effect, but he needs to remember that there is a clear difference between empathy and sympathy.