Friday, December 15, 2006

Quotes of the Day 15.12.2006

"Let me put this bluntly. The government has backed down in the face of Saudi threats - it has acceded to blackmail. It argues that the decision has been made "in the wider public interest" yet it has basically prostrated the British nation at the feet of Saudi bribery and corruption. Shameful. Truly shameful." - Iain Dale
"It absolutely baffles me why the voters could not see this man for what he is. It was so obvious. He has evil written all over his face and eyes, and he did before he won his first term in office. There's an air of something unsettling about Tony Blair and there always was." - verity on Iain Dale's Diary
"The[y] [Labour] have no capacity for shame, especially Blair.
Lacking this moral compass he has an personality that is unfit to hold public office. The Labour party is unfit for office as it has not removed him despite these facts." - Man in a Shed on Iain Dale's Diary
"Remember kids, Sleaze and Telling Fibs is really wrong, unless it is in the 'Wider Public Interest'...
Remember, don't do as we do, Just do as we say..
Your Uncle Tony" - an anonymous poster on Iain Dale's Diary
"The cynical level of news management compounded with the questioning of a serving prime minister in relation to serious criminal offences, compounded with the governments disregard of the rule of law and parliamentary scrutiny profoundly ashames and sickens me. How can anyone vote Labour ever again?" - Anyone But Blair on Iain Dale's Diary

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