Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Is Don Paskini on crack?

He must be after reading his post "Let's hear it for the Nanny State". The ignorant and offensive drivel that he wrote in that piece makes Jo Salmon sound like John Major. Here are some examples:
"Reading Iain Dale's Diary, though, I get the feeling that what Tories mean isn't, in fact, about which sector is best placed to deliver early intervention programmes, but that trying to help parents who have problems looking after their children is a bad idea full stop. As Iain puts it, "it probably involves sending parents of the yet to be born little hoodie on a taxpayer funded trip to Barbados to let them discover their inner selves," and if that isn't an ignorant piece of prejudice then I don't know what is."
That's right, you have no idea what prejudice is, junior.
"This is in fact the level at which the political debate is currently conducted - is it better to get tough on people living in poverty with tough new tough policies, or are these policies a bad idea because spending any money on the state intervening is wrong in principle because it all gets wasted as I know because I read something about how these social workers waste it on politically correct outings for chavs."
"One of the many good things about political correctness is that it is impossible for mainstream politicians to speak with spite and venom about people who face certain kinds of discrimination and prejudice. Unfortunately, hatred and contempt for people who have drug and alcohol problems or who are teenage mums isn't just seen as acceptable, but is taken for granted when discussing new policies which will affect their lives."
Does Master Paskini have any clue about what political correctness actually is? I doubt it! If Master Paskini reads this (and very much hope he does), I have the following advice; stop blogging as no good will come of it. Leaving blogging to the adults!

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