Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Quote of the Day 23.8.2006

"What I dont understand is why so many authoritarians think that the young can be so easily influenced for "good" or "bad," in a free sociaty?
We have over 4.5 million regular pot smokers and it seems a cocain problem even in the house of Lords. We have scruffy dirty smelly badly dressed young people, most of which go or have gone to university. We have under age unmarried girls having children more then ever before. To my understanding capitalism or cartoons have very little to do with this. In a free sociaty young people are just like that, rebelious and sometimes a bit self destructive. Tell them to many times not to do something and even the most intelligent young person will end up doing the exact opposite.
IMHO the problem is made worse, then it would otherwise be, by the systematic destruction of the traditional family by the state. Not Tom and Jerry or any other cartoons.
Wide scale smoking and drinking started way before tobacco and alcohol advertising. Pot smoking started when university types started bringing it home from their holiday trips to India and Nepal. There are simply so many dangerous things that young people do to improve their sense of worth and understanding of themselves and the world.
How can anyone explain to the young that they should really give a dam about what MAY happen to them in 40 to 60 years time. When most of them will claim that they would rather be dead than 70 years old anyway?
The state thinking it can do what a loving family could not, is dangerous N.U.T. inspired, authoritarian socialist, bullshit.
What is really sad is that, not only will this type of dictatorial thinking not work, it will make the situation even worse." - garypowell about Ofcom's ban against smoking scenes in Tom & Jerry cartoons
This is exactly how I feel about how hypocrites such as the sexist Blairite apologist Jo "Davina Irving" Salmon have corrupted this country with their prejudices and flawed philosophy of life and human nature.

1 comment:

Tom said...

um. most of the socialists I know are mre than happy to indulge in and indeed promote the herb.

I wouldn't exactly call it conservative...